Monday, February 7, 2011

Dylan's Basketball

I love watching him play!! He plays with such heart and very proud of the young man he is becoming! =)

God's Voice

I am trying to learn the characteristics of God's voice......I think of a child across a very busy room hearing a very familiar voice....her father's voice. Above everything else going on in the room she can hear him saying something to her all the way across the room. She can pick out his voice - her loving Daddy's voice.
I want to be like that all the craziness of this busy world.....I want to be able to hear my loving Father's voice as He talks to me.
His voice is not's not's not pushy. I have so many of these voices everyday that I think it's important to know in my heart that He does not talk to me in this way. He is wanting me to slow down and focus across this busy world on Him as he patiently talks to me. May I focus on Him as I make my daily choices and decisions.......and look to Him for His approval and not to others around me. As I bring out what God's voice is NOT.....I can now focus on what His voice is to me: patient, loving, wise, comforting, guiding, and most importantly My Daddy's Voice!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Extreme Sledding!

We went to Imagination Mountain.....spent 2 hours having a blast!! Some sledded sitting, some standing & some didn't even use a sled!! When it comes to snow and ice, I have learned that I have a VERY adventurous family!!!

Damon stayin "up" all the way down!!

Dylan is a natural! Now he really wants to snowboard!!

As you can tell - he did not make it all the way down!! Good try Honey!!

My crazy family! Can u tell who is who? =)

He's planning a trip to CO in his it all figured out!!

Kota was our "penguin"!!! A slick jacket means u don't need a sled......

Yes......even I had a great time sledding!!!

He might have fallen......but he had a great time doin it!!! We have thoroughly enjoyed the snow! The precious memories made looking around us and seeing God's beautiful creation.