Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hindsight is always better than presentsight..........looking back i can now see how God was working in my life. He has used people and situations (both good and bad) to grow me and to move me closer to Him. He has put me in places where I have relied on Him TOTALLY!!
But, I didn't always see Him in what I went through..........people that I was really close with, hurt me very badly. I was a wounded person and couldn't believe people that I thought I knew so well could be so hurtful....... We are all just human and we all fail daily as we strive to be more like our Father. I have now reached that point in my walk with God that I can give forgiveness to those that did wrong to me.......I don't have to carry that hurt around with me. I can't be accountable for the actions of others - I can only be held accountable for my actions and how I react to situations. I can't change other people - I can only change myself. Some people will never change........
It is amazing how light my shoulders feel now as I release the burden of hurt! Giving Forgiveness is exactly where my Father wants me at this moment.