Tuesday, February 16, 2010

K-3 Teaching!

Wow! How the time has flown - I have been substituting teaching in our 3 yr old class - and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! I have never taught 3 year olds - what an experience they have been. Every day one of them will say something (whatever pops into their head at the moment) that will just keep me laughing all day long!!! Our regular teacher has been out for the past 6 weeks taking care of her precious new addition: Mallory Gwen!! I sure have missed her - she is one of my dearest friends - and I was so used to talking with her on a "daily" basis!! Yes, I know she only lives down the block from me - but I wanted to give her plenty of time to herself, her family and the new baby!!! Anyway, this is my last week to be the "teacher" - just trying to think of ALL the ways I can "spoil" her class before she returns next week!! She will just LOVE me for it - I know!!!

1 comment:

jbrew said...

LOL! Thankfully they aren't *that* spoiled :) Thanks for all you do!!! Such a fun place to work! I missed everybody!