Saturday, December 3, 2011

2 BIG Dreams

I have two really BIG dreams..........these are very personal dreams that I have had for many years.
1. I have a dream of meeting and getting to know my Mom. She and my Dad divorced when I was very little and I would love to find her someday. I would love to tell her that I have done ok and that she has 3 beautiful grandboys! And the most wonderful Son-in-law she could ever wish for!! I don't know her situation or what she has been through in her life, but I would just like to be given the opportunity to meet her and to learn about her. I would like to know if I have any brothers and/or sisters. This would be amazing to know about a whole other side to my family that is a total mystery to me!! I have always had a hole in my life where there should have been that Mother/Daughter love and bond....there is a longing there to know about my Mom. To meet her someday.........that is my dream!
2. I have a dream of owning our own forever home. This has been the biggest trial of the last 17 years - which is our entire married life! We have tried countless times........all to no avail! I can look back and say it was much easier to pick up and follow God's call to Colorado because we didn't have to worry with selling a house. :) Now that we are here and we know without a doubt that we are supposed to be here, I REALLY want to buy a house!!!!! A house that we can call our own and be settled. A house where someday our boys and grandkids can come home to visit us, where memories will be made and cherished forever...... But, there just isn't a possible way right now....... I can tell you that is exactly what I said when the call came to move across the country "There is NO way!" But with God ALL things are possible!!!! So with that, I am telling you that I do beleive that God WILL provide a way for my dream of home ownership to come true!!!

1 comment:

The Caldwells said...

I'll be praying with you!!! I fully understand #2. I'm right there with you.