Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jeremy's Big Fall!

Guess what happens when you're in the attic and you step in between the studs and onto a section of sheet rock that is a patch for a previous time that someone stepped through the ceiling.

You make a big hole in the ceiling, you land on your rear end, and you get a trip to the emergency room!

Not to mention lots of scrapes and bruises, two shots, three different pain meds and several days off work! Lots of fun!!! Let's not forget you get to put on one of those cute hospital gowns!

But when all is said and done, you still have great people to take care of you and care about you.

The boys each made a card for their dad and, with the help of Memaw and Papa, got together a get well basket with lots of things to cheer him up!
And they attached this balloon to help out.
They are AWESOME!!!
Thanks to everyone that has called us, prayed for Jeremy and have helped out as he's missed work!

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