Monday, April 19, 2010

Unchartered Waters

Yes, I know it's been awhile! I think I have been preoccupied with all the many changes coming our way! Where do I start????
*I now have a 15 yr old son that has a "girlfriend" - this is fine with Jeremy and I and I couldn't be more proud of Dylan. He has pretty high "standards" when it comes to his friends and for himself too.
*Driver's Ed??!! Are you serious?? He is really old enough for this?? I'm not saying he is not mature enough - it's just that he is and always will be my "baby" - and yes we have started DE classes!!
*I didn't think the day when we would be "truck shopping" would come so quickly. We have set a budget for him and we have been "looking" to see what this budget can get him.
*We are trying to find financing for the house we are in - we know God put us here and now we just need to get it finalized. Prayers are needed for this. It is such a huge burden for our family.
*I am now working another part-time job! It is such hard work - but I really enjoy it. The people that I work with are amazing and very encouraging - and I know God put me here because I am in need of some major encouragement as we go through these changes.
*We are adding a first and second grade to our preschool at church. It is a very exciting time - but again many changes to take place! Alot of work and juggling for me as we venture into this.
*Planning a trip to Florida with some friends - this will be a MUCH NEEDED break! the boys have never seen the ocean and its been many years since Jeremy and I have. I love vacations with my wonderful fam! We always have so much fun together!
OK......... I think you get the idea!! We are experiencing MANY changes - some exciting - some scary! I keep hanging on and just take it one day at a time!!!!!

1 comment:

F. Deaton said...

It sure seems like everyone is going through so much right now! Of course I'm praying for y'all. I didn't know there was going to be a second grade class too! I only heard about the 1st grade one, yay! If only there was one last year, Lizzie would have been there!!!