Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I thought I was doing great today by calling Jeremy and I's lunch order in early to DQ. Well I go in a little bit later and I stand at the counter waiting for someone to help me. As I look over to the food order area I see a bag of food catching on fire right there on the food counter! The guys luckily see it in no time - but the entire bag has completely caught on fire! The young man comes over to me and says he thinks that might have been my order! Yes - I will wait for fresh food since mine is charcoaled and soaking wet on top of that! The lady beside me is laughing hysterically by now and she places her order of a "large Dr. Pepper" and the young man says "Good something that won't catch on fire!" Well, just thought I would share my "adventure" for the day!!!


jbrew said...

That is TOO FUNNY!!! And the fact that he wanted to know if you wanted to wait for more food is even funnier!

F. Deaton said...

LOL! That is hysterical! I had to tell Jerm and he and I were both laughing!!!