Friday, May 1, 2009

He's growing up so fast...

We lost him for 3 whole day as he read this HUGE book! He always says reading is like watching a movie in your head! We kept telling him to turn the "movie" off! Even Dixie was missing him! LOL His elementary reading teachers would be so proud!

I was going to the kitchen to pour my cup of coffee - when I noticed Dylan out on the patio reading his Bible before school. Then Jeremy went out and joined him - I thought this was such a precious time! This picture is taken from my kitchen window as I was holding back the tears!!!

Eight grade banquet is tomorrow - He is so excited! I promise LOTS of pictures to come!


Cassie said...

Ahh..precious pics Terri! Dylan is such a great should be very proud! Can't wait to see banquet pics!!!

F. Deaton said...

These are the moments that parents pray for. How awesome. Just make sure at least ONE of the West boys marries ONE of the Deaton girls, we could not hope for better guys! LOL! Ok, we don't want them growing up tooo fast now do we!